innogy Stoen Operator’s portal for Designers

innogy Stoen Operator

Developing an application for a comprehensive handling of the design process of electric energy networks

13 Sep 2021

Designing an electric energy network is a complex process which requires efficient communication between design companies and electric energy distributors.

The company innogy Stoen Operator needed a tool which would digitalise its cooperation with external designers and facilitate the handling of new connection investments.

innogy Stoen Operator


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About innogy Stoen Operator

Since 2007 innogy Stoen Operator (iSO) has been distributing electrical energy to over one million clients in Warsaw and its vicinity. Within the framework of its operations the company has been monitoring the condition of the power grid and performing the necessary maintenance works, as well as supervising the energy security of the capital city.

Project goal

The main goal of the project was to create an application for a comprehensive handling of the design process of electric energy networks and communication between design companies and innogy Stoen Operator.and communication between design companies and innogy Stoen Operator.

Digitalisation of cooperation with design companies

The Portal for Designers was the third project we had implemented with innogy Stoen Operator. As had been the earlier practice, we started from a detailed business analysis which allowed us to get to know customer needs and understand the step-by-step process of order execution for new connections to the power grid.

Customer workshops helped us establish the problems bothering both iSO employees and its contractors, and decide what needed to be done in order to streamline their cooperation.

"We decided to create the Portal for Designers because we wanted to focus on automating and facilitating collaboration with subcontractors. Previously, communication had been effected mostly through scrambled e-mail messages, which resulted in scattered and messy project information. We were in need of a tool which could offer a convenient way of storing all documentation along with comments, and allow for a smooth two-way communication between the external designer and the iSO project supervisor".

Maria Pacholska

IT Project Manager

innogy Stoen Operator

How to create a self-service?

5 implementation examples for market leaders

Web application for external designers

To address the needs of both sides, iSO and its designers, we designed and implemented the solutions allowing to:

  • Preview the project time-table - all orders had been divided into so called milestones, corresponding to subsequent stages of the order execution process. Each of them could be matched to a specific status and marked with a note informing of the completion date. Delayed orders would be indicated on the order list.
  • Report order execution progress - in each milestone designers would enter information and documents which are essential in order execution. After all data had been completed, a given milestone would be marked as completed, which automatically releases the following steps.


"Within the framework of our project we prepared 4 tailor-made types of milestones and one generic kind which allowed to create configurable and dynamic forms. The above elements could be used to build all subsequent milestones which constituted the process of designing an electric energy network".

Hubert Terlecki

Senior Developer, Technical Leader

e-point SA

  • Communicate online between designers and iSO employees - the correspondence module was used to exchange messages and files between designers and iSO employees.
  • Store project documentation in a single location - while working on an order, designers as well as iSO employees could add and download files from the dedicated attachment module.
  • File applications via transparent online forms - designers could file various project applications via tailor-made online forms. These involved document or chart templates which were used while claiming land property rights.

e-point SA is the first Polish company to receive a Conversion Optimization certificate


How did we work?

The project was implemented using agile methodology, thanks to which our client had an impact on the effects of every single completed Sprint. The work was divided into 5 stages involving:

  • 2 weeks of initial business analysis.
  • 1 month of UX/UI design.
  • 20 two-week sprints including further analytical work, development work and ongoing solution testing.
  • UAT tests.
  • implementation.

2 weeks of initial business analysis

1 month of UX/UI design

20 two-week sprints

Consequently, over the period of less than 12 months we had developed from scratch a web application which was able to fully digitalise cooperation with project companies and external designers. From the moment of the portal implementation all new investment orders had appeared in the Designer Portal.

"Implementing the Designer Portal had facilitated reporting and supervising order execution and allowed both parties to gain swift access to the complete project files. Our subcontractors had acquired an intuitive web panel with a 24/7 access from any device and any location".

Maria Pacholska

IT Project Manager

innogy Stoen Operator

​ Front-end

  •  React v17.0 + libraries:
    • Formik 2
    • Material-UI 4
    • React Query 3


  • Java 11
  • Spring Boot 2
  • PostgreSQL
  •  jOOQ

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