Online payment service

Stoen Operator

Integration of the Stoen Operator connection portal with Blue Media

11 Apr 2023

For our partner - Stoen Operator, we have implemented an online payment option for invoices and other payment documents at the level of the connection portal.

Stoen Operator

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Elimination of e-invoices and paper invoices for the sake of online payments

Until now the clients of Stoen Operator, depending on their preferences, have received invoices by e-mail or traditional post. The invoices were paid by a bank transfer or using a traditional paper form transfer.

The operator wanted to simplify the payment process to a maximum and decided to digitalise it. This pertained both to invoices and other payment documents, such as interest notes.

"Fast online payments are a solution which allows our clients to pay for services promptly. They do not have to waste time filling out paper transfer forms, they can settle all their accounts fast and safely".

Maria Pacholska

Stoen Operator Project Leader

Graphic design, preparing the environment and integration with Blue Media

Every project we have implemented for Stoen Operator has been conducted using agile methodology.

"Regular feedback, meetings and sprints help to quickly identify and rectify the emerging problems. From a technical point of view, the biggest advantage of agile is that it allows to implement new solutions to the challenges arising in the duration of the project".

Sylwia Wijas

Systems Architekt

e-point SA

The implementation was divided into 7 stages:

  1. pre-implementation analysis,
  2. preparing the environment for the integration with a BPM, Stoen Operator's internal system, 
  3. UX/UI graphic design, 
  4. Integration with Blue Media (blue media draws up API and documentation),
  5. implementation,
  6. testing and accommodation of changes, 
  7. production start-up.

The process of simplified payments step by step

 Payments may be made in two places of the Connection Portal: in "Payments" and in "Case details".

 After logging-in and clicking on "Payments" in the top menu, the users will see a list of current and historical payments related to all their cases. Additionally, users may search, filter and sort payments according to their dates, type of problem or address.

 In the top section of the screen there is a panel for making all payments as well as effecting outstanding settlements. Clients may pay for single orders as well as for a package of orders. There is also a possibility to check payment details for those clients who prefer to pay using a standard transfer form.

 Analogically, individual steps may be followed in the "Case details" section.

Selecting a payment option starts the online payment via Blue Media operator.

"Fast electronic payments are a standard operation in almost all industries. Stoen Operator has not stopped merely with implementing the Connection Portal. Since the very beginning Stoen has been developing the portal continuously, as well as has launched new channels of communication, such as the Contractor Portal or Supplier Portal. We are proud to have become a partner in the multi-channel digitalisation of this brand".

Piotr Różycki

Key Account Manager


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