How to Improve Polish m-commerce


Results of the 3rd Edition of the Google Retail Growth Programme

22 Jan 2024

What Is the Retail Growth Programme?

Retail Growth is a retail development programme run by the Polish Google office, addressed to entrepreneurs with great potential for expansion in the online area. The mobile e-commerce area was performed in cooperation with e-point SA, the first company in Poland to have received the Conversion Optimization Certification.


During three editions of the Google Retail Growth programme, Google Polska and e-point SA audited over 80 Polish e-commerce companies.

Google shows that in 2022, Polish Internet users used their search engine 2.5 times more often on smartphones than on traditional computers. At the same time, the percentage of online buyers is steadily growing – it is currently as much as 79%.1 of all users. This is reflected in the structure of traffic on e-commerce websites, where mobile devices account for over 60% of the value of all online purchases.2

1 Source:  

How did we work during this edition?

In the third edition of the programme, from December 2022 to July 2023, e-point experts met with 15 companies – this time, the target group consisted mostly of clothing industry businesses.. The programme covered the mobile User Experience and the loading speed of company websites on mobile devices.

Companies applied for the programme through an internal Google recruitment survey. This survey provided all the information required to perform the audit. Our experts conducted up to two meetings with each company.

Equipped with the final audit results, we met with representatives of e-commerce departments in each of the above-mentioned companies. We presented the audit results and a list of recommendations to be implemented in the area of mobile User Experience and website loading speed. After about two months, we met again to verify whether the recommended changes had been implemented, their effects and, and what additional support we could provide to the company.

"In some cases, shops lacked information on costs and delivery time, didn’t offer quick registration, show product ratings and opinions, or the option to add a product to the cart without having to scroll down the page. Our experience shows that these simple good practices increase trust in the vendor and can accelerate the purchase decision. Another example that improves the quality of a website is meeting the WCAG criteria. These are just a few examples of ‘quick wins’ that clients could quickly implement to improve the usability of their websites".

Daniel Pazura

Project Manager

e-point SA

250 Recommendations for Companies

The research resulted in developing almost 250 recommendations for companies participating in the project. After conducting the audits and presenting the results, we checked which retailers decided to implement them, and then we re-examined the websites’ performance on mobile devices. We used the Relative Conversion Rate as a benchmark.

The Relative Conversion Rate is calculated as the rate between the mobile Conversion Rate (i.e. the probability of purchase on the mobile version of a website) and the desktop Conversion Rate. This parameter allows to measure changes in the conversion rate without the risk of seasonal factors, sales, etc. influencing the study results.

A 66% Increase in the Relative Conversion Rate in Companies that Implemented the Changes

We compared 2 groups of clients: those who implemented our recommendations regarding mobile UX and website loading speed (at least four of them) and those who did not implement any recommendations. Here are the results of the analysis:

  • 66% of clients who implemented our recommendations saw an increase in their Relative Conversion Rate;
  • 75% of clients who did not implement any recommendations saw a decrease in their Relative Conversion Rate.

People managing online shops try to attract as many customers as possible. In addition to regular media purchases (e.g. search engine ads), it’s also useful to analyze what happens after clicking on the ad – the experience of the user who lands in our e-commerce shop and browses it using a smartphone. It’s worth asking yourself a few questions: ‘Does my website load quickly?’, ‘Is the purchasing process going smoothly, or does the customer encounter any obstacles?’ Not all e-commerce managers have enough knowledge or enough time to analyse their shops in this area – that is why we launched our audit program - says Piotr Kowalski, Senior Analytical Consultant, Google Polska.

"To assess the effectiveness of these measures and monitor compliance with the development strategy adopted, it is necessary to analyse the conversion rate on a regular basis. This parameter provides information on how many website users become customers. Even small changes can cause significant increases in the Conversion Rate".

Piotr Kowalski

Senior Analytical Consultant

Google Polska

Feedback from Companies Participating in the Programme

After concluding the research stage, we asked the participants what they thought about the project, the reports presented, the suggested recommendations, and the business results of implementing them. We are pleased that most of them positively evaluate the course of the audit. There are also many comments that are very valuable regarding the areas to improve in the future.

“The methodology of the entire project, tips, and a final meeting with a summary”.

“Perhaps it would be possible to test each of the changes immediately after the implementation to understand which produced better results”.

“An individual approach to the project, useful examples”.

The competition on the e-commerce market is growing every month and only those who are prepared best will achieve success. Ensuring that the mobile channel is faster and more user-friendly for mobile Internet users should be among the priorities of e-commerce companies. A good User Experience and the appropriate loading speed of the mobile website significantly increase conversion rates and, consequently, the company’s profits.

Optimize your mobile user experience and increase your website's speed. Take advantage of our free consultation, and we'll analyze your needs and present effective solutions.

Contact us.

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